Reading is a vital, lifelong skill that opens doors to a world beyond our own experiences and is key to learning. At Brinsworth Howarth Primary School, we aim to ensure that every child is able to develop a love of reading so that they are able to become lifelong learners.
We believe that all of our children should have strong decoding skills and strategies to allow them to become fluent, confident readers who are keen to learn new vocabulary.
Through experience of a wide range of quality texts, our children will be able comprehend and discuss texts as well as being able to use their skills as an access tool for finding out information about the wider curriculum. Our choices of texts will ensure that children have access to books that they can identify with as well as books that broaden their experiences.
Our reading schemes:
Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 = Sounds-Write
Key Stage 2 = Ashley Booth Reading
Please see the links below to websites with book recommendations for all ages -
Each classroom has its own inviting reading area, stocked with exciting books from a range of authors and genres.
Please click here for information about the Brinsworth Library, including their opening hours and their exciting activities!