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Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

From September 1st 2014 the new SEND Code of Practice came into effect.


The aim of the reforms are to join provision across education, health and care and now spans birth to 25.  Intervention should be made at the earliest possible point in a young person’s life and they and their parents should be fully involved in decisions regarding their support and outcomes.


“Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, even where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff” DfE 2014


Provision at Brinsworth Howarth Primary School


Everyone at Brinsworth Howarth Primary School is committed to, and passionate about, providing the conditions and opportunities to enable any child, including those with additional needs, to be included fully in all aspects of school life and achieve their potential as a person and as a learner. We believe in the earliest possible intervention to support the children. This can take a number of forms.


In Quality First Teaching, all class teachers must be aware of the needs and requirements of their pupils and plan accordingly to meet those needs.


The graduated response is at the heart of whole school practice, as we are continually assessing, planning, implementing and reviewing our approach to teaching all children where a potential special educational need has been identified. This process becomes increasingly personalised and responds over time to a growing understanding of the child’s or young person’s barriers to, and gaps in learning. 


If your child’s teacher feels that intervention would support your child’s progress they will contact you as we believe in working partnership gives each child the greatest chance of success.


Intervention might be delivered, or advised by a range of professionals, such as:

  • Class Teacher

  • Teaching Assistant

  • A professional outside school. For example, the Speech and Language Team, The Education Psychology Service, Fusion SEND Hub.

How we ensure all children can access the wider curriculum


Mrs Cook





Art and Design






SEND Report Video

SEND Overview

Download SEND Overview

You can view our SEND overview below. Click on the images to view them full size.
You can download the SEND overview as a PDF using the button to the right.


If you feel that your child may be having a specific difficulty, or feel that they may need additional support with their learning or emotional development, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance. 


The member of staff with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Cook.


Useful Links:

Rotherham's SEND Local Offer

Rotherham Parent Carers Forum

Rotherham SENDIASS


Please see below all relevant policies

Accessibility Plan

SEND - A guide

for parents and



Rotherham SEND



SEND Policy



SEND Code of Practice

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